Markus Kuhlo
Frontop CG创意总监
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  • 高级演讲技巧

    When people fall asleep or play with their mobile phones while you give a presentation it is a clear sign that your presentation is not good enough. Learn how to create unique and vivid presentations to close the deal and to impress your audience. We will teach you how to use power point to create a good looking, interesting presentation. 当您在演讲时,如果有听众昏昏欲睡,或者有听众玩手机,这就明显的告诉您,您的演讲有待提高。在这里,您可以学到如何打造一个丰富又新鲜的演讲,如何唤起观众的兴趣。我们会教您利用Power Point去制作一个好看有趣的演讲稿。 If you have the feeling that people are bored during your presentations you might be right. Attending several meetings and presentations we are aware of the most mistakes people make during presentations and we will teach you how to avoid them. We will give you priceless tips how to drastically improve your presentations skills. We will teach you how to use body language to show self-confidence and how to read the body language of your audience to identify their mood. We will show you examples of good and bad presentations and speeches. 如果您觉得观众 在 演讲时 很无聊 ,这是很常见的。我参加了无数次的会议和演讲,知道在演讲过程中演讲者通常会犯的错误,所以我们会告诉您如何去避免这些错误。我们会给您提供有价值的建议来提高您的演讲技巧,我们会教您如何利用身体语言来表达您的自信,如何通过阅读观众的身份语言来了解他们的情况,我们也会给您展示优质演讲内容和劣质演讲内容的案例。 You will be asked to give a presentation to us and we will actively improve your skillset. We will help you to minimize your content to most important facts. If you have to give a presentation in front of foreigners we can help to improve your English and German language to impress your business partners. 最后,您需要在我们面前利用我们教的技巧做一次即兴演讲。我们会帮助您删减您的内容而留下最重要的点。如果您需要在外国人而且做演讲,我们可以帮助您提高您的英文和德文水平,从而给您的生意伙伴留下深刻的印象。



Having a master degree in architecture enables me to understand different topics fast and to present them in a creative and efficient way. Good presentations are essential in architecture as each design proposal has to be presented to a jury that very often has professional background knowledge about architecture. Leading several meetings with high profile clients I gained a lot of experience in how to make a vivid presentation and to impress the audience. 我拥有设计专业硕士学位。我对各式各样的主题都有不同的见解,都可以通过一些有效而且与众不同的方式来呈现。对于一个设计方案来讲,精彩的演讲起到了至关重要的作用,因为设计方案的评委们对建筑都有很深刻的认识。我有和很多重要客户的会面经验,因此非常了解如何做一个生动风趣的演讲来吸引观众。 Being responsible for introducing my current employer to new clients, being the key speaker for 2 events about architectural visualization and writing a book about this topic allowed me to improve my presentations and writing skills. My experience and passion in design and technology enable me to create eye-catching presentations utilizing different software and graphical styles. Attending several exhibitions and visiting clients in Asia, Europe, Middle East and North America enabled me to understand and focus on the different client’s cultures, demands and requirements. 我曾经参加过关于建筑展示方式的两个会议,并担任主讲,同时我也撰写了相关书籍,这些经历都很好地提升了我的演讲和写作技能。在设计和技术方面的经验帮助我致力于研究如何使用不同的工具和图像方式来创造引人注目的演讲。在这期间,我也有拜访亚洲、欧洲、中东和北美的客户,这些经验也让我明白演讲应该关注听众的不同文化、需求和要求。 Living in China for 3 years not only improved my Chinese and English language skills it also helped me to understand that cooperating with Chinese business partners is different from other countries. 我在中国生活了三年,这不仅提高了我的中文和英文水平,同时也让我明白和中国客户打交道需要不同的方式。 Don’t be afraid that you can’t communicate with me if you don’t speak English. I have a Chinese partner will come together with me to attend the meetings who have 10 years experiences in overseas business, encompassing business negotiation, global marketing organization etc. She will translate for me if necessary. 如果你不会讲英语,也不用担心。我有一个中国的合作伙伴会与我一起参加所有的会议,她有十年的海外市场的拓展经验,包括商务谈判、海外市场推广的组织等等。在需要的时候,她会帮我翻译。





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